EWMA 2024 Poster Presentations Now Live

EWMA 2024 Poster Presentations Now Live

EWMA 2024: Exciting Poster Presentations Now Available

We are thrilled to announce that our posters that were at EWMA 2024 are now available. These posters, crafted by experts Kate Moran, Inger Jensen, Nicole Dixon, and Jean Moon, delve into the latest advancements and research in wound management, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge to the healthcare community.

The Posters

Venous Leg Ulcer Patient Journey and Digital Service Development - Kate Moran - Tissue Viability Nurse

Kate Moran is celebrated for her extensive research in chronic wound management. Her poster presentation at EWMA 2024 focuses on the journey of patients with venous leg ulcers and the development of digital services to support their treatment. Kate’s work highlights the integration of technology in patient care, aiming to enhance the management of chronic wounds through innovative digital solutions.
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Reducing the Need for Oral Antibiotics in Head and Neck Cancer Surgical Wounds - Inger Jensen - ENT Assistant Nurse

Inger Jensen brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the field of wound care. Her presentation at EWMA 2024 emphasizes strategies to reduce the dependency on oral antibiotics for patients with surgical wounds from head and neck cancer procedures. Inger’s research underscores the importance of alternative approaches to wound management, which can help minimize antibiotic resistance and improve patient outcomes.
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Burns Pathway and Emergency Box Implementation in a Mental Health Setting - Nicole Dixon & Jean Moon

Nicole Dixon and Jean Moon's collaborative poster presentation is a testament to their dedication to advancing wound care in specialized settings. Their work focuses on the implementation of a burns pathway and emergency box within mental health facilities. This innovative approach addresses the unique challenges faced in these environments, providing a structured and efficient response to burn injuries, thereby enhancing patient care and safety.
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Why These Presentations Matter

The poster presentations by Kate Moran, Inger Jensen, Nicole Dixon, and Jean Moon are not only a showcase of their individual expertise but also a collective step forward in the field of wound management. These presentations provide:
Innovative Solutions: By exploring the latest in wound care technology and therapies, these posters offer new solutions to common challenges in wound management.
Practical Insights: Each presentation provides practical knowledge that healthcare professionals can apply in their practice to improve patient outcomes.
Collaborative Approaches: Emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, these posters encourage a more holistic approach to wound care.
Evidence-Based Practices: Grounded in robust research, the insights shared in these presentations help ensure that wound care practices are based on the latest evidence and best practices.


The EWMA 2024 event has once again brought together some of the brightest minds in wound management, offering  research and innovative solutions. The poster presentations by Kate Moran, Inger Jensen, Nicole Dixon, and Jean Moon are invaluable resources for anyone involved in wound care. Don’t miss the chance to enhance your knowledge and stay at the forefront of the field by exploring these insightful presentations.