Različite vrste rana
različite oblogeSvaka rana je drugačija i prolazi kroz razne faze prilikom cijeljenja. Upravo zato treba poduzeti responzivan pristup liječenju, prilagođavajući liječenje procesu zacijeljivanja kako bi se postigao optimalan ishod. Advancisov alat za odabir obloga razvijen je da vam pruži podršku u odabiru najprikladnijeg proizvoda za vašeg pacijenta kroz sve faze procesa cijeljenja.
Wound Types
Select a wound type below to discover more...
Necrotic tissue is dead or devitalised non-viable tissue which impedes wound healing.
Slough refers to the yellow/white material in the wound bed.
Infection can develop in any type of wound and is usually accompanied by pain, inflammation and swelling.
Granulation describes the appearance of the red, bumpy tissue in the wound bed as the wound heals.
Epithelialisation is the final stage of wound healing and is pink/white in colour.
Cavity wounds can be defined as a wound that extends beneath the dermis.
A fungating wound develops when cancer that is growing under the skin breaks through the skin and creates a wound.
A scar may appear flat, lumpy, sunken, or coloured.

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